Wednesday, November 16, 2022

 Richard O. Burdick's

Think Spot Two

              December 17, 2021

Richard is a Canadian/American French hornist, composer, author, recording artist and publisher.

A continuation of Mr. Burdick's discussion about beauty in music and other things

00:00 Dr. Pepper introduction
00:23 Richard starts talking
00:37 Hovhaness book
01:22 I Ching Music the book
01:55 Pet Peeve - "crescendo"
03:25 quick note about Richard's recent CD's

04:00 Natural horn
05:40 authenitic practise - hand size
06:40 Beethoven
09:00 Beutiful door knob
09:55 beauty and the harmonic series
14:05 Dr. Pepper introduction

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